Have questions?
Please fell free to reach out to me by sending a quick email at [email protected]. You can also send me a private message on any of my social media platforms.
Work with me!
Sweet & Savory is an English site that features a great variety of recipes. My mission is to inspire my audience to learn more about my recipes and to have great results at home.
As a content creator, I also provide each recipe with its own easy to follow video. All videos can be found on my YouTube channels, Sweet y Salado and Sweet and Savory Recipes.
On my social media platforms I also feature travel information, as well as, restaurant and food reviewshttp://youtube.com/@Sweetysalado from all the places I have had the pleasure of visiting.
Currently, sweetysalado.com and sweetysalado.com/en receive 235000+ page views a month with visitors from all over the world. From countries like the United States, Colombia, Mexico, Spain and many others.
- YouTube: Over 1,090,000 subscribers
- Facebook: Over 35k followers
- Instagram: Over 19k followers
I would love to hear from you!
~ Diana