Sunny Side Up (Cooked on one side with a runny yolk)
Heat a pan at low heat, add the butter and wait for it to melt.
Add the egg, season with salt and cook until the egg white is white and firm. Serve immediately.
Over Easy (Cooked on both sides with a runny yolk)
Heat a pan at medium-low heat, add the butter and wait for it to melt.
Add the egg, season with salt and cook until the egg white is white and firm.
Flip the egg either free hand or with a spatula and cook for 30 seconds. Flip the egg again and serve immediately.
Over Medium (Cooked on both sides with a semi runny yolk)
Heat a pan at medium-low heat, add the butter and wait for it to melt.
Add the egg, season with salt and cook until the egg white is white and firm.
Flip the egg either free hand or with a spatula and cook for 1–1½ minutes. Flip the egg again and serve immediately.
Over Hard (Cooked on both sides with a fully cooked yolk)
Heat a pan at medium-low heat, add the butter and wait for it to melt.
Add the egg, season with salt and cook until the egg white is white and firm.
Flip the egg either free hand or with a spatula and cook for 1½–2 minutes. Flip the egg again and serve immediately.