Coquito (Puerto Rican Coconut Eggnog)
The first time I tried coquito I was with a group of Latin friends celebrating someone’s birthday. One of the guests was from Puerto Rico and he brought his homemade coquito in an old bottle of rum to share with all of us. I was floored after I tasted it because it was sooooo good! And you know how much I love me some coconut.
What he did not share was his recipe because he claimed it was a family secret. And let me tell you, one of my biggest pet peeves is when someone doesn’t share their recipe simply because they don’t want to. I believe that recipes are meant to be shared and enjoyed by all! Unless of course, you make a living by selling that recipe or that product and you don’t want anyone else to make a profit. But a recipe should be shared and enjoyed by family and friends. Dude, share it!
So, I decided to learn how to make coquito on my own and now I make it almost every year. I know that a lot of people make it with raw eggs because apparently, that’s how they used to make it back in whatever date. However, I find that in today’s modern world, all you need is sweetened condensed milk to give it that thick texture. If you add the raw eggs, along with the condensed milk, you’ll end up with something as thick as glue, and who really wants to drink that?
¡Buen provecho!
Coquito (Puerto Rican Coconut Eggnog)
- 1 can (15 oz cream of coconut)
- 1 can (13.5 oz coconut milk)
- 1 can (12 oz evaporated milk)
- 1 can (14 oz sweetened condensed milk)
- ½ cup 120 ml rum or to taste (optional)
- 1 tsp cinnamon (more for garnish)
- 1/8 tsp nutmeg
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Blend all the ingredients in a blender. Pour into one or two empty bottles and store in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving. Sprinkle more cinnamon on top if desired.
Hola Diana gracias por compartir tus recetas que son esquisitas!! El coquito es una de mis bebidas favoritas esta receta esta muy bien hecha en cambio lo del huevo pues no esta bien del todo… Cuando nosotros los puertorriqueños hacemos coquito es basicamente como tu receta y de hay le vamos añadiendo sabores como el de pistachios,nutela, en fin un sin numero de recetas pero ningun como el coquito tradicional, cuando le añadimos huevo ya deja de ser coquito ya en ese caso para nosotros seria ponche no coquito a este tambien se le añade vino por su color. El ponche si es una receta de nuestras abuelitas eso si no faltaba en nuestras fiestas navideñas de antaño esos dias que ya no vuelven…